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Barre Flow Online training

  • 64 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.

Barre Flow is a barre concept that combines power and grace, with a flow. A full body workout that mixes barre, functional training and yoga. This online training is for you who wish to develop your skills in your own practice - and/or who wants to coach Barre Flow classes or simply as inspiration for your other group fitness classes. With almost 10 years of Barre Move, we will now open up the concept for more variety and creative use - and with freedom for you to adjust your flowing classes for your own - and even more so - your partcipants need. "We love to create a barre class were you can feel graceful and strong at the same time. We also promise a full body experience that includes core, yoga and cardio." /Åsa and Maria, Founder of Barre Move Åsa and Maria has more than 20 years experience in the fitness industry; both as international presenter and Nike master trainers with a passion to create concepts that makes both instructors and participants to shine and grow from inside and out. Barre Flow is a concept that works for everyone, a brilliant core, strength and flexibility training




SEK 1,990.00


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